Bus Transfer

Bus Transfer

BUS TRANSFER Bus Transfer for those registered archers who previously requested this service upon registration. We arranged local buses / coaches to provide mobility to those archers who did not hired cars. These buses locally called "GUAGUA"will have two departing...

Insurance Terms and Conditions

Insurance Terms and Conditions

INSURANCE TERMS & CONDITIONS INFOIFAA EUROPEAN INDOOR ARCHERY CHAMPIONSHIP Este mensaje es para los inscritos de habla no hispana.This message is for non spanish registered participants. who adquired the insurance at registration. We received notice from an archer...

Travelling to Spain with BOWS and ARROWS

Travelling to Spain with BOWS and ARROWS

Bows and Arrows in SpainUnder Spanish Law, Bows and Arrows are in the Weapon control law. At htis moment to bring your Archery Equipment to Spain you need to be registered under an Sport Association like IFAA or your National Member Association. (i.E.: Spanish IFAA...



SEARCHABLE ENTRY LISTENTRY LISTThis entry list will be updated weekly so participants or those proceding to register can chek and filter by styles, gender, division, etc. If you have just register please check the real time participant list to...


Teams Competitions
Along with EIAC2024 we´ll host the Champion of Nations competition and the Styles Teams Competition.